Platforms in which MECAmaster Assembly is integrated (or will shortly be !!)

3DEXPERIENCE platform is a business platform edited by Dassault Systèmes and providing software solutions (Apps) for multi-disciplinary purposes, all based on a single and shareable environment.
CATIA (V6) becomes a group of Design Apps within the Platform depending on your need.
MECAmaster is provided there as a partner App, fully integrated in the 3DExperience platform.

CATIA V5 is a well known and widely used software for Product Design. Edited by Dassault Systèmes, the version V5 is still a reference for product design in major industries and companies.
MECAmaster is proposed as an automation application, integrated and connected to CATIA V5.
Present for more than 15 years in this environment, it is still the most used MECAmaster integration.

SpaceClaim, a product of ANSYS, is a "simple" CAD software, easy to handle for an affordable price. It is today used by many companies as a complement of "major" CAD systems, like CATIA, for DMU preparation for simulation, pre-dimensionning etc ...
SpaceClaim is proposed with a powerful translator enabling to read and import many file format (NX, CATIA, Inventor, Pro-E, Solidworks ...)
MECAmaster will propose its load and tolerancing features as a fully integrated add-on for companies using SpaceClaim or companies which want to get a stand-alone Environment.
(not available commercially)