Please be informed that MECAmaster SARL has released an evolution of:
– MECAmaster V8 (Revision 8.0.0) for CATIA V5 (R27 to R34)
– Model Builder V2.3 (Revision for MECAmaster V8
(Please Connect to MECAmaster DOWNLOAD CENTER for downloads & informations)
This evolution introduces a new module : STATVAR.

We are proud to announce the availability of a new statistical module : STATVAR (Statistical Variation Analysis).
Statistical Variation is based on a Randomized tolerance calculation (same principle that standard Monte-Carlo) but introducing :
- An advanced randomization engine (Multithreaded, keeping dependency on all types of data, Min/Max material condition when applicable … )
- A convergence algorithm engine to perform Statistical Operations at each run (meaning each virtual assembly) (Auto Adjust Gaps on overconstrained contact-systems with gap to ensure Fitting when possible (hole grid for example), Auto Consume declared Adjustments within their allowed range to adjust results on dedicated Measurement, Auto adjust positioning best-fitting displacement on many points … )
This new module is delivered with the STT license extension available from MECAmaster V8.0 and for any MECAmaster license under active maintenance. Contact us for an official quotation.
StatVar will help to define advanced positioning systems (positioning on hole grid, best fitting, …) and will evaluate the conformity with a better accuracy. StatVar will evolve in further releases to introduce regular new functionalities.